Policy Briefs

Policy briefs


Razni tekstovi vanjskih saradnika
"Pregovori o poljoprivredi u sklopu Svjetske trgovinske organizacije (WTO): Može li se Doha vratiti u život?" by Željko Šuman (.pdf 167Kb)

"Economic Aspects of Restitution" by Anto Domazet Part 1 (.pdf 17Kb),Part 2 (.pdf 27Kb), Part 3 (.pdf 18Kb)

"Social Polocy Development" by Žarko Papić Part 1 (.pdf 61Kb), Part 2(.pdf 62Kb), Part 3 (.pdf 32Kb)

"The Role of Government in Supporting Entrepreneurship and SMEs" by Aziz Šunje Part 1 (.pdf 37Kb), Part 2 (.pdf 20Kb), Part 3 (.pdf 11Kb), Part 4 (.pdf 27Kb)

"Stock exchange and shares" by Muris Čičić (.pdf 15Kb)

"Utjecaj globalizacije na visoko obrazovanje: Pogled iz BiH" by Prof. dr. sc. Željko Šuman (.pdf 150Kb)